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Online TOEFL

************************ WEEK 10 ************************
TOEFL hazirlik icin, size "Longman Preparation for the TOEFL Volume A by Deborah Phillips" kitabini tavsiye ediyoruz. Ayrica, bilgisayar tabanli sinav icin "Longman CBT Volume" kitabini oneriyoruz.

Her hafta cumartesi gunu TOEFL derslerimiz yenileniyor.
TOEFL derslerimiz Listening, Structure, and Reading bolumleri icermektedir.

Structure Lesson 10
Topic: Word Choice

This is the last class of our on-line classes. Until now, we have covered the most important grammar topics on the exam. The only thing left is to look at some of the problems with word choice.

It's possible that you could see a question about the difference between "make/do". This is a confusing topic of course because they both have the same meaning in Turkish (yapmak), and there aren't really any fixed rules about when to use "make" and when to use "do". The verb "make" generally means to create something, while "do" usually means to perform an action. Unfortunately, these are just general rules and there are many exceptions. Fortunately, these kind of questions don't appear very often on the test. You just have to memorize which words go with "make" and which ones go with "do".

What is the mistake here?

1. Banks, savings and loans, and finance companies have recently been doing home equity loans with greater frequency than ever before.

The mistake is doing. Instead of "doing" loans, banks have been "making" loans.


These words can also be very confusing. The words "like" and "unlike" are almost always prepositions (gibi) and (gibi degil). The word "alike" is an adjective (benzer).

2. The development of permanent teeth, alike that of deciduous teeth, begins before birth.

The mistake is alike. We must use "like" instead.
A is like B. A and B are alike.


There is a good chance you will see at least 1 problem with word form. Maybe the sentence needs an adverb (zarf) instead of an adjective (sifat).

3. Until quite recent, the notion of philosophy encompassed all of what is now included in the realms of knowledge and reason.

Instead of "recent", we must use "recently".

Maybe the sentence needs a noun (isim), but a different noun form.

4. Acrylic painter can be used on a wide variety of surfaces, such as cardboard, paper, fabric, and wood.

Instead of "painter" (boyaci) we need "paint" (boya).

* Homework *
Check Skills 58-60 Problems with Usage - (pages 221-224) of Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL. Also do the Review Exercises - Skills 1-60 (pages 225-226) and check your answers on our ANSWERS page.
If you have the CD-ROM, Practice today's topic under: Practice - Structure - Written Expression - Problems with Usage.
You could also try a complete exam under: Testing - Take a Complete TOEFL Test.
Good luck!


Listening Lesson 10
Topic: Review

We discussed the strategies for answering each of the 4 types of listening passages on the CBT, so let's review some things that you shouldn't forget.

* You should already understand the directions for the listening part before you enter the exam. The timer starts as soon as the directions come onto the screen, so press "Dismiss Directions" as soon as they appear in order to save time for the questions.

* You control the speed of the listening, so you can take as much time as you want between questions. Don't forget however, that you only have about 40 minutes to answer all the questions.

* You only have a chance to adjust the volume before you begin the exam, so make sure you are comfortable with the sound level.

* Remember that the test is computer adaptive. If you answer a question correctly, you will be given a more difficult question. If you answer incorrectly, you are given an easier question. If you run out of time at the end of the exam, don't answer quickly in order to finish the section. This will lower your score.

* After you select an answer, the test will not continue until you click on "Next" and then "Confirm Answer". After you do this, you can not go back and change an answer.

* Homework *
If you have the CD-ROM, try Listening Test 5 under: Testing - Drill with Individual Test Sections - Listening Test - Listening Test 5.


Reading Lesson 10
Topic: Review

Since is the last lesson of our on-line course, let's look back at some of the things we discussed.
We talked about the "main idea" questions - questions that test your general understanding of the entire passage (Skill 1).

"What is the topic of the passage?"
"What is the main idea of the passage?"

We also studied "direct detail" questions - questions that refer to specific details of the passage (Skill 3).

"According to the passage..."
"It is stated in the passage..."

We looked at the "indirect" questions - questions where the answer is not specifically stated (Skill 6). In this type of question, based on what we learned from the passage, what other things can we say are true?:

"It is implied in the passage..."
"It can be inferred from the passage..."
"It is most likely that..."
"What probably happened...?"

We practiced with vocabulary questions (Skill 8), and some of the strategies for finding the meanings of words.
This is the Paper-based TOEFL.


For students who are taking the Computer-based TOEFL (CBT),
we discussed the new question types:
* Click-on questions where you "click-on" words, sentences, and even paragraphs in the passage.
* Questions where you have to choose 2 correct answers for 1 point.
* Insertion questions where you have to correctly place a sentence somewhere in the passage.

These questions are not more difficult than the paper-based exam, but the style is different and you should check the CBT Volume of Longman Preparation for the TOEFL Test by Deborah Phillips before you take the exam.

*Homework *
If you have the Longman CBT book, study the Reading Section (pages 103-110) Passages 1-4, and check the answers in the Answer Key.

If you plan to take the CBT and have the CD-ROM, try Reading Test 4 under: Testing - Drill with Individual Sections - Reading Test - Reading Test 4.
If you don't have the CBT book, do the Post-Test (pages 309-317) of your Preparation Book, and check your answers on our ANSWERS page.

You can also try Practice Test 5 on our website.

If you don't feel ready for the exam, the on-line courses will begin again next week.

************************ WEEK 10 ************************

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